If you were to total the amount of time you spend outside in nature how many of your waking hours would that be? Do you try to get out for a couple hours a day? A week? Let’s take a closer look at why this might be more important than you think.
Increases Your Energy
Being out in the open air on a brisk 20 minute or so walk will give you a boost.
Time Flies
Exercising outside adds visual interest and other stimuli that makes exercise time less of a chore and more enjoyable.
It’s Good For Your Vision
Balance out your screen time by giving your eyes some exercise outside. This is particularly good for kids.
Sunlight Helps Mitigate Aches and Pain
Who doesn’t feel better getting some sun on their skin?
Boost Your Immune System
Search for information about phtoncides – airborn chemicals produced by plants which increase levels of white blood cells. In turn your ability to fight off infections and diseases improves.
Free Aromatherapy
Open your senses and note the different scents around you. Freshly cut grass, tilled soil, flowers, pine, etc. All contribute to being calm and relaxed.
Enhance Creativity
Particularly helpful for writer’s block. Turn off the phone and bring a notebook and pen. Is there a special place in the hills near you for contemplation?
Avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder
Being outside isn’t ideal when it’s cold or rainy but making the effort has shown to lessen SAD’s severity.
Your Daily Dose of Vitamin D
Ninety percent of your vitamin D comes from casual exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D helps us absorb calcium to prevent osteoporosis as well as reducing inflammation.
Restore your Focus
Stepping away from a project your stuck on and getting outside for a few minutes has been a proven way to re-invigorate and focus your efforts.
Being Outdoors Makes Us Better Humans
Being outside at a park, on a hike, or in the garden helps us connect with others on a more simple level. We tend to reflect on shared experiences which can improve family and community relationships.
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Version: Rough Draft 1.0 – 10/5/2020