White Candytuft Iberis sempervirens

Rough Draft 1.0  10/20/2020 


If you have ever driven through the city of Seattle Washington on I – 90 during the late spring you absolutely can’t miss this spreading evergreen with popping white flowers growing down the side of an above overpass. It is eye catching as it sways with the wind from the fast passing vehicles. It is a beautiful sight. This spectacular evergreen perennial  is Candytuft. Evergreens keep their leaves all year round, a perennial in this instance means the flowers will transform a garden as they bloom year after year.

Candytuft Blooms

Candytuft is known to bloom bright white flowers through early spring and into early to mid-summer. Sometimes candytuft reblooms in the fall. Candytuft is known to be planted as a ground cover that can fill in the desired space quickly. Candytuft can also maintain a neat, low mound of dark, glossy green foliage throughout the year. If you are looking for butterflies to visit your garden, candytuft does provide nourishment for butterflies, ladybugs,  and other aphid eating insects.

Candytuft is Hardy in Dry Conditions

Iberis is suited for several uses in the landscape due to its spreading nature and preference for dry conditions. This is a good choice for rock gardens, and it is an excellent partner for mixed borders, and it can stand alone in mass plantings as a ground cover. The showy white flowers can be a peaceful  color that will contrast well with spring bulb flowers. The candytuft spreading nature can also be used  in container gardens, or in retaining wall plantings.

Planting Tips

Candytuft need acidic and well draining soil. Adding some lime to your soil will help your candytuft take root and produce blooms. This plant will also need to grow in a very full sun location. Avoid shady conditions  or continuously soggy or damp soil, those are detrimental to the candytuft plant and the ability to flower. Tip – have the soil dry slightly between watering. Too little water is preferable over too much. Waterng your plant about 1 inch, once a week is a good rule of thumb.

The white candytuft flower is compatible with a range of tall, blooming annuals and perennials and is the perfect height to cover tall or bloomless stems of flowers such as zinnia, cosmos and evening primrose. Candytuft flowers are handy to cover up declining foliage of early spring blooming bulbs. Candytuft flowers look lovely spilling over a wall or draping from a hanging basket. Try it as a ground cover. The evergreen foliage is enjoyable all year round.

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