Weeping Fig Tree Ficus benjamina

Rough draft date 9/6/2021


This Weeping Fig is very common as an indoor office or house tree, This is found and often sold in stores just as a ficus tree. The weeping fig is native to Asia and Australia. Interestingly enough this ficus is the official tree of Bangkok, Thailand. A ficus can be noticed by its slender branches that arch gracefully from a light gray trunk. Their trunks are sometimes braided for a unique decorative appeal. The tree grows dense, glossy, and dark leaves. When grown indoors, these trees are normally pruned to keep them about 3 feet to 6 feet tall. This tree is also considered an evergreen tree that flowers in the spring when grown in the wild or outdoors. When this tree is planted indoors it is very uncommon to have this tree produce flowers in the spring.

Weeping Fig Care

Sunlight and Watering Measures

This tree grows quite easily in large tree pots or containers indoors. Also this tree grows well when placed near a bright sunny window for part of the day, but not in the line of direct sunlight because that may burn the tender leaves. Indirect sunlight is ideal for growth and vitality. Afternoon shade is acceptable to help this tree thrive. Weeping fig trees grow easily indoors in containers filled with soil-based potting mix and it should be regularly watered during the growing season of spring and summer but allowed to become drier from fall to late winter. Also like many indoor plants this tree should be planted in well drained soil, and keep the roots from sitting in water. If it becomes too waterlogged or if the roots are sitting in water it will start to drop leaves.


Ficus trees also cannot tolerate low temperatures or drafts. They need to be kept in temperatures above 60 degrees F.  Ficus Trees actually do really well with temperatures above 70 degrees F.  Beware of shifting air temperatures in your home or office because cold drafts from windows or doors will harm  a ficus tree. By keeping them in a place where the warm air temperature can stay at a constant level is perfect. 


It may seem that a weeping fig tree could be finicky to take care of or grow as a novice gardener. In all reality it really isn’t once all of the care tips are learned. Having your beautiful fig tree in the perfect spot will just result in a watering routine that may coincide with other indoor plants. A great point to make is that this tree is a great addition to any bedroom/ bathroom master suite or kitchen area. It’s a popular houseplant that purifies the air around you which is why it’s in the top 7 list of air purifying plants to incorporate into your home.

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