“Lucky” Jade Plants Crassula ovata

Rough Draft 1.0 8/31/2021


Jade  plants are one of our favorites. The Jade plant is known to be a symbol of good luck. Choose to add a Jade plant with the  good luck it brings at home, in your office, or included in your landscape (where tropical weather permits). These are quite easy to grow and in this article we will present steps to grow an ultimate beautiful Jade plant.

The Top Three needs for growing a Jade Plant

  1. Watering Your Gem

Water your Jade plant when the top of the soil in its pot feels completely dry, not damp or moist but dry. This is important because too much water or watering too often can cause root rot.  Not enough water can cause the Jade to start dropping leaves. Tip – When growing indoors make sure  your Jade plant is planted in well draining soil, a self watering or clay pot is good here because you can pour off any excess water that may collect, that way you’ll know your plant is happy. When planting your Jade plant outdoors you’ll also want to make sure that the planting spot is prepared with well draining soil. Tip – When planting outdoors find a spot where when watering the water can run off or be completely soaked into the soil without the roots being in a soaking spot. Meaning where the roots will not sit in water. Tip – Plants indoors can enjoy a spritzing of water with a spray bottle once in a while. 

  1. Sunlight

A garden window or bay window is perfect here but no worries a well lit window will do just fine. Jade plants love growing in full sun. Full sun will help them grow full and bushy. If your weather permits they can grow outdoors as long as the temperatures stay above 65 F. (18 C.) during the day and 55 F. (10 C.) at night. They will thrive and grow happy in higher temperatures than this. Tip – if you live in climates where the summers are hot and the winters are cold you can still enjoy your Jade plants outside, keep your Jade plants in pots and bring them indoors when the temps drop.

  1. Fertilizing

Can I make my Jade plant grow faster?  Yes! Sunlight is key and fertilizes every two weeks during the growing season from April – October with a 10-20-10. We have used diluted fish fertilizer once a month or so during these spring and summer months.

Propagating  Jade Plants (your newbies)

Propagation of the Jade plant is the steps or process of creating new plants from already existing plants. This is a great way to add plants (while easy on your wallet)  to your home or garden without having to purchase them from a floral department or nursery. 

Propagating Jade Plants from leaves

There are many different ways to propagate a jade plant. By taking cuttings from a branch and using root hormone to unleash them from their root ball to take a root with growth. This method has been known for a while . root hormone powder can be purchased at most nurseries and some home and garden stores. Tip – call around to your local garden stores to locate who may carry root hormone, in some areas this may be a purchase that can only be found online.

However the way we have propagated jade plants in the past, is by taking a healthy leaf off of your jade plant. Then simply place the fresh torn side into a prepared dirt pot and water. Within a few weeks or less the leaf will develop roots on it’s own and turn into a jade plant of its own as well.

Jade Plant Feng Shui Placement

According to Feng Shui practices, Jade Plants are encouraged to be placed in a room or in the house. Each different placement can focus energy in different parts of our daily lives and can help with good balances in our home. Choosing to place a lucky plant in the east location of your room or house sends focus to  family harmony, health, initiation of projects, and scholarly pursuits can be enhanced.  Placing  your plant in the southeast locations of a home or room can foster wealth and good luck.  In western locations are a great place if you are looking for more creative energy or good luck for children. Choosing a  northwest location brings luck for mentors or teachers. Also it doesn’t matter the size of your plant , starting with a small one is just fine and seeing it grow with you.


Having a Jade Plant in your home or office keeps a beautiful dark green leafy plant in your presence all year-round. This plant can also improve indoor air quality and is great for novice gardeners if wanting to begin  by growing indoor plants.  Start good luck in your life and pick one up today!

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