Japanese Anemone Anemone hupehensis

Rough draft 11/5/2021


If a blooming flower in the fall sounds wonderful before winter hits then the Japanese anemone is the one. It starts blooming in late summer and goes through the Fall until  the first frost. The paper-like blooms are vivid white or pink with bright yellow stamens in the center. This flower has been known to attract butterflies. 

Growing and Care

This plant can thrive in rich and moist well draining soil .When growing this plant in hot or dry weather climates just make sure the soil doesn’t dry out around the roots. Adding and mixing compost into the soil before planting will reach the richness this plant enjoys. Mulching around the top with wood chips or bark can help keep the soil mois between waterings. This plant also needs full sun to partial shade daily. Full sun means at least six hours per day. Partial sun usually means that the plant needs more sun and that the plant should be protected from the sun during the afternoon hours. Tip 1 Morning sun is less intense and somewhat filtered, so it is considered the safest bet for plants that require part sun or part shade. On the other hand, the late afternoon and evening sun is strong and less filtered, so it’s best for plants that require full or part sun. Tip 2 Cut back after flowering, and tidy up dead leaves and stalks in March. Mulch annually in spring or autumn, especially when doing a Fall clean up.l If the winters are located in a very cold climate,  protect the roots with plenty of mulch.  Japanese anemone have a tendency to spread, so divide larger clumps every few years to keep them under control. Dividing the anemone can take place in early Spring or Autumn before the first frost.


Plant in spring after all danger of frost has passed. Planting in the beginning of June should be just fine. If the climate is warm in mid May that period of time is good to plant this anemone.  Make sure the special spot is in a well-draining area without the chance of standing water. Add compost-amended, humus-rich soil. Japanese anemone roots don’t like to dry out, so keep the plants moist, and well mulched. Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart. Also remember this plant likes a full sunny spot. 


This plant is a great beginner garden plant especially for novice gardeners. Once it has been planted and established the maintenance is very low,  just keep it watered. For master gardeners some professionals believe the hue of white is under used in landscapes or gardens. This can be a great way to use white and have flowers blooming until late fall.

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