Shasta Daisies Leucanthemum superbum

Rough draft 10/28/2021


Shasta daisy’s give bright white summer blooms. This plant offers the look of the traditional daisy and also brings with it evergreen foliage. This foliage can last year-round in many locations. When growing a Shasta daisy, it may be the perfect, low maintenance perennial for mounding or filling in bare spots within most landscapes. Being a perennial it will come back with blooms year after year. This plant was named after Mount Shasta, an inactive volcano at the southern end of California. Noting its petals were the color of the snow. Some members of the daisy genus can be noxious weeds, but the Shasta daisy remains a favorite garden plant.

How to Grow and Care 

 When planting Shasta daisies in the garden or landscape, take the steps to prepare the soil. Fertile soil is necessary for the best bloom on Shasta daisy flowers. Good drainage is important for the growth of the Shasta daisy as well. While Shasta daisies will take  a full sun  to light shade location.The plants won’t tolerate soggy roots or standing water. Provide appropriate drainage several inches (8 cm.) down in the soil and to the roots. Continue planting Shasta daisies yearly for a more abundant display. Shasta daisy plants are short-lived perennials, meaning they return for just a few years. Staggered yearly plantings ensure that your Shasta daisy plants will continue to produce and beautify the landscape.

Can Shasta Daisies be Planted in Pots or Containers?

Yes, they certainly can. They actually do very well when planted in container life, as long as you don’t let them get dry or root bound. When the soil feels dry at the top water well. When planting shasta daisy in containers, make sure your pot has adequate drainage, Tip, add small rocks at the bottom of containers before planting and make sure there is a drainage hole for access water to escape. Avoid terra cotta pots because the roots can become too dry. Take every advantage to have numerous blooms. Deadheading old blooms is a good practice because it invergrates the plant to produce more growth and blooms.


Some master gardeners have been noted to say that shasta daisies are a great addition to any garden or landscap;e. The Reason behind this is that the color white is very underused in gardens. The stems can grow 2-3 feet tall which make a great way to bring flowers indoors in a vase for display. Try shasta daisies to add white to your landscape, patios, decks or gardens.

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