Glory of the Snow Chionodoxa siehei

Rough draft 11/1/2021


One of the earliest and loveliest spring flowering bulbs is Glory of the Snow. This flower is a bulbous perennial that will grow up to 8 star-like, upward facing, six-petaled flowers with an enveloping color including a white eye. A beautiful carpet of blue, purple, mauve and white can be found in a Luciliae Mix. They work perfectly as a border plant or under trees.

Growth and Blooms

Chionodoxa is pronounced ki ana docks sa. This bulb has been known to bloom so early in the spring that sometimes the blooms will pop up above the snow in the mountains of Turkey. 

The time to plant these bulbs is in the fall right before the first frost. When choosing the right spot to plant make sure in the spring their spot will have full sun to partial shade. Amend the soil if needed, they need to be situated in well draining soil… no soggy bottoms. Plant each bulb three inches deep and 3 inches apart from one another. Tip: make sure the pointed end of the bulb is pointed up, after covering with soil, water well to close any air pockets that may have formed around the bulb. The more bulbs that are planted 

 together the more they can form a perfect carpet or swag of color in the desired place. These bulbs can be p;oanted in a container, just make sure the pot has well draining holes in the  bottom of each container to let access water to drain out.


One thing to keep  in mind is that these bulbs are quite small. Some gardeners have described these as being as big as a dime. If there is a large area to be planted 100 may not be enough of course depending on the size. After the Glory of the snow blooms do not pull up and discard the greenery. Keeping the plant life out can fortify the bulbs for future springs, noticing how the bulbs can multiply year after year. It can be cut back once it starts to discolor and die. Tip: keep all greenery or stalks left in beds or pots when it comes to all flowering bulbs like tulips and daffodil. The sun will fortify the bulbs for years to come. It’s not necessary to dig up the bulbs to replant every fall.

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