Pride of Gibraltar Cerinthe major

Rough draft  11/6/2021


This is also known as a purple wax flower. Finding a swath or a combination of rainbow hues in a flower that can be displayed may be a challenge. Most rainbow colored combinations that can be purchased will usually not be found at your local hardware store or nursery. The parrot tulip and this flowering bush, pride of gilartor are the closest flowers I’ve noticed that can display the colors of the rainbow. Pointing out that these flowers are grown this way, and  are not artificially colored. These are just naturally multi hued colored. Note; Some say the purple wax flower just blooms purple flowers but it’s just as beautiful. When ordering seeds or starts double check the description and scientific name. 

Growing and Nurturing

Native to Western Australia, this is a flowering shrub that has five waxy petals on each stem. The leaves of Wax Flower contain oil glands that create a beautiful perfume when crushed. They have also been known to be called honeyworts. A good rule of thumb for growing a healthy flowering bush is to be watered regularly until the bush is fully established. When in times of drought watering needs to be consistent and never let this plant thoroughly dry out. Deadheading faded flowers will prevent invasiveness. Trimming back unkempt and untidy stems and foliage will encourage a more compact plant. The most popular way to start growing this flowering bush is from seed.. The seeds can be purchased online.  When planting these seeds find a sunny spot because they prefer full sun, they can handle a little shade during the day not more than 2 hours. The seeds will germinate quickly within about 7 days. This flowering bush is considered an annual which means it will need to be replanted each year. However if you let the blooms fall and have it reseed itself there’s a strong chance that it can grow back on its own during the following spring. 


When this bush is fully established the full height will be about 2 ½ feet tall. It’s great to note that this bush will not be overbearing . To round out corners or have gentle curves in gardens or landscapes is a great idea for finding  the right placement. This can be quite  a unique piece to your victory garden.

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