Summer Squash Cucurbita pepo

Rough draft 4/12/2022


Summer squash tends to be a popular and traditional  plant to have growing in vegetable gardens. Summer squash are squashes that are harvested when immature, while the rind is still tender and edible. Zucchini is actually a part of the summer squash family, which also includes crookneck, pattypan, and yellow squash. All zucchini are summer squash, but summer squash defines a larger group of seasonal gourds with edible skin and tender flesh.

Sun Water and Growth

Squash is a favorite seed to plant because you can see results very quickly after the seed has been placed in the soil. Seeds sprout in as little as 3 -10 days. Most varieties take 45-60 days from planting to harvest. Try starting seeds indoors, sow seeds 5 – 6 weeks before the last spring frost. This is a great way to have a hardy plant ready to be placed in the soil for a fairly early harvest of the  squash of choice.  Summer squash is known to be highly productive and easy to grow. Summer squash needs full sun to grow properly. That means 6-8 hours of direct sunlight during the summer growing season. They enjoy the heat but just keep an eye on the soil dampness like with  most vegetables during heat waves or high heat temperatures. It’s not uncommon to need to water daily during the high heat times. Watering every two days should be sufficient. Squash doesn’t like to sit in water so make sure the roots can stay out of pooling water. It’s also best to water at the soil surface being careful not to water the foliage too much. Growing winter and summer squash vertically encourages healthy growth and fruit production. This densely-growing plant can quickly take over a veggie garden if you leave it to grow on the ground instead of training it to grow up a trellis. Wire fencing, garden nets, or other kind of support

Squash is a favorite seed to plant because you can see results very quickly after the seed has been placed in the soil. Seeds sprout in as little as 3 -10 days. Most varieties take 45-60 days from planting to harvest. Try starting seeds indoors, sow seeds 5 – 6 weeks before the last spring frost. This is a great way to have a hardy plant ready to be placed in the soil for a fairly early harvest of the  squash of choice.  Summer squash is known to be highly productive and easy to grow. Summer squash needs full sun to grow properly. That means 6-8 hours of direct sunlight during the summer growing season. They enjoy the heat but just keep an eye on the soil dampness like with  most vegetables during heat waves or high heat temperatures. It’s not uncommon to need to water daily during the high heat times. Watering every two days should be sufficient. Squash doesn’t like to sit in water so make sure the roots can stay out of pooling water. It’s also best to water at the soil surface being careful not to water the foliage too much. Growing winter and summer squash vertically encourages healthy growth and fruit production. This densely-growing plant can quickly take over a veggie garden if you leave it to grow on the ground instead of training it to grow up a trellis. Wire fencing, garden nets, or other kind of support


Keep a close eye on your summer squash plants once the bright flowers appear. It’s most interesting how quickly the vegetable will grow and appear once the flowers are not noticeable. The fun part is searching through the foliage for your hidden gems. 

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